Properties of black tea: everything you need to know

We think we know everything or almost everything about Black tea: it's a type of full-bodied tea with a characteristic amber colour and an intense flavour, which has become one of the most appreciated and consumed beverages by tea fanatics.

It's probably the variety we spontaneously think of when we talk about tea, but really, how much do we know about the properties of black tea? What is black tea for? What are the benefits of black tea? Read on to find out all about properties of black tea!

Black tea vs. coffee, main differences

Black tea is an excellent choice for starting the day, by clearing our heads and helping us to maintain our concentration throughout the morning.

It is a perfect substitute for coffee, with stimulating properties similar to coffee, but with a significant advantage for some people: black tea is stimulating without making us jittery. Here's why.

Like coffee, tea contains caffeine (theine and caffeine are the same molecule, but the name theine is often used when referring to tea), but both the amount and the way it is absorbed by the body are different.

The caffeine content of tea and coffee varies greatly depending on the variety and strength of the product consumed, but a cup of tea is considered to contain approximately 50mg of caffeine, while a cup of coffee contains between 65 and 175mg.

If the amount of caffeine in black tea is lower, we may think that drinking black tea when we wake up is not going to stimulate us and give us that boost to start the day, but in reality, it isn’t true.

In coffee, caffeine is fully bioavailable, i.e. it passes directly into the bloodstream, whereas in tea, theine is associated with the tannins in tea, which slow down its absorption.

Black tea will provide a more gradual and longer-lasting stimulant effect, lasting 4-6 hours, while coffee will provide an immediate but shorter boost.

We may need another coffee, and another, and another... and we will drastically increase our caffeine intake, which in some people, can lead to nervousness, stress, irritability and even difficulty relaxing and getting to sleep.

With tea, the stimulation will be more gradual, but sufficient enough to meet the objectives of concentrating better while we work or study, of strengthening the information process and improving our memory.

If you have the impression that coffee is bad for you or makes you jittery, and you still want a stimulating and revitalising drink to feel energetic all day long, but without losing your composure...switch to black tea!


In addition to its excellent ability to stimulate the nervous system, what is black tea good for, and how can it help us to improve our general health? Black tea is said to have many properties.

- Rich in antioxidants. Thanks to its flavonoids, black tea has the ability to protect cells and fight free radicals, which are responsible for cellular ageing.

- Prevention of cardiovascular disease and heart attacks. Several studies have highlighted the effectiveness of flavonoids in black tea in maintaining healthy arteries and preventing hardening. These antioxidants are also involved in lowering cholesterol and controlling your blood pressure.

- Oral health. Black tea, thanks to its fluoride content, helps to prevent tooth decay.

- Stronger defences. Several studies have shown that drinking black tea protects our immune system and reduces bacterial and viral infections thanks to its flavonoids.

- Bone protection. Some studies have also highlighted the effect of black tea in strengthening bones and reducing the risk of fracturing.

- Weight loss and slimming. In addition to a balanced diet, black tea can help us to lose weight due to its diuretic effect.

- The scientific community is currently studying the effects of antioxidants on cell growth and the possible benefits in preventing the development of certain types of cancer, particularly those of the digestive tract (stomach, oesophagus, liver, pancreas and colon).

Hopefully, antioxidants can help us even more, to ensure the proper functioning of our cells and to protect our health.

Now that you know what Black tea is good for, we just need to introduce you to some of the main varieties of black tea to help you decide what your favourites are.


Enjoy the incredible benefits of black tea with the best selection of tea, for a cup full of energy and antioxidants:


Among the most appreciated and consumed Chinese black tea is Lapsang Souchong, from the Chinese province of Yunnan and Taiwan. It's black tea with an intense sweetness and smoky flavour, resulting from the traditional drying of the tea leaves over a pine or cypress wood fire.

From Sri Lanka, formerly called Ceylan (the name the island bore when it was a British colony), comes the famous Ceylon black tea. It's a reddish-coloured tea with an exotic and aromatic taste, grown in highlands with plantations at an altitude of 1000 to 2000m above sea level.

India offers the varieties Assam and Darjeeling, both originating from the provinces of the same name. Assam black tea is a strong, full-bodied tea with a strong malty and mineral taste, which is dense and tannic. If you are a lover of milky black tea, this variety is ideal. The Darjeeling variety stands out for its fresh taste and exquisite aroma.

The African continent also provides us with excellent black tea from Malawi, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Uganda and Kenya. Although best known for its coffee production, Kenya is the largest tea producer in Africa and the world's third largest exporter of black tea. Kenyan black tea tends to have a strong and astringent taste, perfect for lovers of milky black tea. Do you dare to try our Kenya Marinyn?


Black tea is also used in the composition of delicious blends such as the Earl Grey variety, made from a blend of tea flavoured with bergamot oil. Its mild taste and unmistakable aroma make Earl Grey tea one of the most popular blends among tea lovers around the world.

Do you have a sweet tooth? Irish Cream Black Tea: the iconic Irish treat that has travelled the world. It's a mix of sweet, creamy and roasted flavours with the benefits of stevia and amaranth. Or try our sweet Chocolate Temptation Black Tea: a sweet black and white blend for chocolate lovers that encourages you to dream.

And if you love spicy chai-style tea, try our Pakistani Black Tea, a magnificent blend of black tea with cinnamon, cardamom, cloves and a hint of vanilla. The strength of black tea with the intense flavours of spices from the East. Delicious! Or try our spectacular Chai Latte, a delicious and aromatic blend of black tea from India, China, Sri Lanka and Java with traditional Chai spices. Find out how to make Chai Latte!


Do you want to enjoy your black tea with milk? Become an expert at making delicious milky tea here.

Infuse 2g (1 measure) per 200ml of water at 95ºC for 4 minutes. It's that easy!


At Tea Shop you will find a wide variety of bulk teas with which you can discover an endless number of flavors. Tea leaves are picked and processed in an artisanal way so as not to lose any of their aroma or properties, discover the benefits of bulk tea at Tea Shop's online store! 

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