Happy Pumpkin Cake


- 3 Eggs
- 1 Yoghurt
- 1 average olive oil yogurt
- 2 Sugar yoghurt measures
- 3 Flour yoghurt measures
- Grated 1/2 lemon rind
- 1 Yeast sachet
- 100g hot water
- 20/30g Happy Pumpkin


1. Infuse Happy Pumpkin in 100ml of water
2. Assemble the holes with the sugar, add yougr, oil and Happy Pumpkin that we have infused, already cold.
3. Add the flour, yeast and bind everything well until it is a homogeneous dough.
4. Place in a mould previously greased with butter to avoid sticking.
5- Bake for 40/45 min at 180ºC. Decorate to taste!