Why is papaya such an extraordinary fruit?

Today, from Tea Shop, we want to show you the fantastic world of papaya. It is a fruit with a sweet and smooth taste and one of the most beneficial tropical fruits for our health.

Do you want to discover the properties of papaya and its benefits? Keep reading! You are sure to include it in your diet. In addition, we will tell you a delicious way to take it and enjoy its exquisite flavor.

Do you want to know the properties of other fruits? Discover the properties of pineapple, mango, peach, melon, strawberries...

Papaya properties

Composed mainly of water

Vitamin C: 100 g of the pulp of this fruit fully cover the daily requirement of vitamin C

Vitamin A: improves the health of the skin, mucous membranes and immune system

Licopene: has an antioxidant effect

Flavonoids: acts as an antioxidant against free radicals, responsible for premature aging of cells

Minerals: such as calcium, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus

High fiber content: has a laxative effect, ideal for regulating intestinal transit and combating constipation

Papaine (enzyme that aids digestion)

Why take papaya? Benefits

Decreases swelling and fluid retention

Decreases swelling and fluid retention.

Alleviates digestive disorders

Improves constipation

Improves the health of the skin and mucous membranes

Natural anti-oxidant

Prevents cardiovascular diseases

Now that you know papaya properties.... Fall in love with its flavor in this tea!

papaya properties

Papaya in your cup:

How about including this fruit through the exquisite Slim Papaya Red Tea? Once you try it you will notice the incredible ingredients that compose it: red tea, papaya and orange blossom. Take advantage of the properties of papaya in this low theine tea and benefit your body with this delicious purifying, antioxidant and digestive blend.

Ideal for breakfast and after meals! Take advantage of papaya properties and savor this sweet and fruity tea. You can also enjoy it hot or cold, or prepare the creamiest smoothies like this blueberry smoothie or chocolate shake. Yummy! 

How to prepare Slim Papaya Red Tea

To enjoy cold: Infuse 1 measure (2g) at 95 ºC for 3-5 min. Remove the filter and add ice. *If you want to enjoy it with milk or vegetable drink, remember to add less water before infusing.
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Red tea (Pu Erh) Slim Papaya
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