Properties of melon

Melon is a refreshing, very juicy, sweet and tasty fruit with few calories and lots of mineral salts.

If you want to know the properties of melon and how to eat it in a very special way... keep reading!

Don't miss out on the incredible properties of these fruits either: peachmangostrawberriespineapple and papaya.

Melon properties:

The properties of melon are varied and highly beneficial:

Its contribution in beta-carotene (in the body it becomes vitamin A with properties for skin care and eye protection.), vitamin C (helps to protect cells against the effects of free radicals) and B9 (production of red blood cells and for DNA synthesis) make it an antioxidant fruit (maintaining the health of the skin by reducing free radicals and signs of ageing).

It is rich in potassium, helping the diuretic effect. To a lesser extent it contains phosphorus, calcium and magnesium.

It is low in calories: it is one of the fruits with the fewest calories, around 34 calories per 100 grams, due to its high water content (90%).

Improves teeth and bone health: as it is rich in calcium, it is beneficial for the formation, repair or strengthening of bones and teeth.

Strengthens the immune system, formation of antibodies.

It is diuretic: it helps the body to eliminate toxins and also prevents dryness of the mucous membranes or acidity.

The properties of melon make it an ideal fruit to consume and take advantage of all the benefits for our body. Below, we bring you a very special way to enjoy the properties of melon in the way we like it best... In a cup!

properties of melon

Melon in your cup: tasty and refreshing

Discover the delicious and refreshing melon and white tea flavour of Fresh Melon: a very diuretic and hydrating tea that helps eliminate toxins.

It is ideal for everyone due to its low theanine level. You can also enjoy it with a touch of Agave syrup and lots of ice to refresh you in the best way!

Besides, it not only has melon, but also pineapple: very rich in vitamins, especially vitamin C, diuretic and digestive.

What do you think? Make yourself a refreshing cup of Fresh Melon and hydrate yourself while taking advantage of the properties of melon and white tea, and you're sure to come back for more!

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White Tea Fresh Melon
The summery expression of melon flavour and the refined freshness of White Tea.
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