8 properties and benefits of cucumber for our health

Cucumber is a very beneficial vegetable for our health as it keeps our body hydrated, lowers blood sugar levels, maintains regular bowel function, promotes weight loss... and much more!

Read on and fall in love with the properties of cucumber and discover how to take it in a very healthy and delicious way.

Discover also the properties and benefits of Matcha Tea, beet and aloe vera and why we should include them in our diet.

Read on to discover the properties of cucumber and all the benefits it has for us.

8 properties and benefits of cucumber

Diuretic: improves fluid retention.

Antioxidant: thanks to vitamin C and carotenoids, it maintains healthy hair, skin, nails and eyes.

Depurative: thanks to its fibre content, it improves intestinal transit and combats constipation.

Moisturising: as it is made up of 96% water, it promotes hydration of our body.

Anti-inflammatory: it combats tissue inflammation.

It looks after heart health thanks to its potassium content, and at the same time, it helps to reduce the risk of heart disease.

Regulates blood sugar thanks to its fibre content, which slows down the absorption of sugar in the intestine.

Improves blood circulation: it is rich in water and antioxidants and low in fat.

properties of cucumber

How to use cucumber:

You can take advantage of the properties of cucumber by preparing very healthy and delicious dishes: salads, creams, soups, fillings... and teas! Or rather... Matcha Latte Melon Cucumber.

Why is it the tea for you?

Because once you try it you will taste the sweet melon flavour and at the same time the freshness of the cucumber. Ideal for preparing recipes (like this melon gazpacho) and smoothies with extra antioxidants and vitamins.

By drinking it you will take advantage of the properties of cucumber and it will take care of yourself inside and out and not only that, you will also enjoy an exquisite drink that will delight your tastebuds. Dare to try it and discover its delicious flavour.

How to prepare the Matcha Latte Melon Cucumber

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