Agave syrup, a sweet and healthy alternative

What is Agave Syrup?

Agave syrup is the sweet vegetable juice extracted from the stalks of the agave plant, which is similar in appearance to a cactus or aloe vera.

Raw agave syrup is one of the healthiest and most natural sweeteners, ideal for enhancing aroma and flavour. Want to know why Raw Agave Syrup is better than agave syrup? Read on!

agave syrup

What can I use Agave Syrup for?

In your teas and infusions, it enhances the flavour!

Make classic cereal bars (oatmeal, goji berries and chocolate).

Make biscuits: such as coconut and chocolate cookies

Cheesecake: make the most delicious one.

Sweet rolls



Vegan crepes

Lassi (Indian drink)

If you want to discover all the recipes we have prepared for you, click here.

Where can I buy Raw Agave Syrup?

Did you know that Raw Agave Syrup is better than agave syrup? Because it has not been subjected to high temperatures or refined, so the quality is higher and its glycaemic index lower.

Fancy a taste of its delicious flavour? Try Organic Raw Agave Syrup, suitable for vegans, tastier and of the highest quality - the best alternative to enhance the flavour and give it a sweet touch! Discover it and fall in love with its flavour, you'll love it! Accompany it with this selection of teas and infusions.

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