For improved digestions and stress relief

Heal digestive ailments naturally and relieve stress thanks to our lemon verbena herbal teas!

Herbal Spirit_ Loose herbal teas. Teas, rooibos teas and herbal teas, Digestive, Diabetics, People with Coeliac Disease, People Intolerant to Nuts, People Intolerant to Lactose, People Intolerant to Soya and Soya Products, Vegetarians, Vegans, Children, Pregnant Women, Minty, Minty,Tea Shop®

Loose herbal tea Herbal Spirit

Classic infusion with a touch of mint. The digestive ingredients of "Mare Nostrum"
Mediterráneo. Loose Herbal Teas. Teas, Rooibos and Herbal Teas, Digestive, Diabetics, Coeliac Disease, Intolerant to Nuts, Lactose, Soya and Soya Products, Vegetarians, Children, Pregnant

Loose Herbal Tea Mediterráneo

Original mixture based on rosemary with citrus elements reminiscent of the flavours of the Mediterranean.


    About For improved digestions and stress relief

    About Lemon Verberna. For improved digestions and stress relief

    Heal digestive ailments naturally and relieve stress thanks to our lemon verbena herbal teas!

    Loose herbal tea Herbal Spirit: Classic infusion with a touch of mint. The digestive ingredients of "Mare Nostrum". 

    Loose herbal tea MediterráneoOriginal mixture based on rosemary with citrus elements reminiscent of the flavours of the Mediterranean.