How to make a smoothie bowl with fruits and vegetables

Looking for a delicious smoothie bowl recipe? Look no further! Below, we'll show you how to prepare this healthy and nutritious smoothie bowl with fruits and vegetables, perfect for breakfast, as a snack, or for dinner.

Want to know our secret? Veggie Purity, an infusion rich in essential micronutrients and composed of 10 incredible supervegetables, which will give your smoothie bowl extra flavour and health properties, with vitamins and minerals that will take care of you inside and out.

In addition, it is a 0 waste infusion, which means you'll be using the leftovers of the infusion in the recipe. If you want to find out more about this infusion (its benefits, recipes to use the leftovers, amongst others) click here.

Ready to prepare the most complete and easy fruit and vegetable smoothie bowl? Let's get to work!

smoothie bowl recipe

Smoothie Bowl Ingredients :

2 measures of Veggie Purity

1 medium ripe avocado

½ a ripe banana

1 a handful of raw almonds (peeled)

3 large ice cubes

How do you make a smoothie bowl?

Infuse 2 measures of Veggie Purity in water at 95°C for 10 minutes and let it cool. (Remember, it is 0 waste! So there's no need to filter it because we're going to use it all).

Peel and chop the avocado and banana.

In a blender, puree all of the above with 3 ice cubes.

Serve the result in a bowl and add the toppings of your choice: almonds, walnuts, banana slices... and you can also add the veggie purity infusion.

And enjoy a different and healthy meal with the best of fruit and vegetables! Prepare this delicious and healthy smoothie bowl thanks to the Veggie Purity herbal tea.

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Loose herbal tea Veggie Purity
A surprising selection of ten super vegetables that will intensify the senses with a burst of flavour, colour and freshness.
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