Properties and benefits of almonds + almond teas

Did you know that almonds contain more fibre than any other nut?

Almonds are one of the most nutritious nuts on the planet, they have a delicate and sweet taste, and they contain countless beneficial properties for our body. Find out all about almond properties, benefits and how to enjoy them in your cup.

Properties and benefits of almonds

Thanks to almond properties, they provide us with a series of benefits that’ll look at more in-depth in this section:

-They give us energy: thanks to their carbohydrate content, they help us to brave long and hard days.

-They help to strengthen bones, hair and skin: thanks to their high phosphorus and magnesium content.

-They're good for the heart: thanks to the amino acids and fatty acids they contain. Of course, that's why the Spanish Heart Federation recommends their consumption.

almond properties

-They keep the brain lucid and active: as regular consumption can increase brain function.

-They improve immune system function: promoting growth and combatting fatigue and tiredness. Additionally, they also detoxify the body.

-They fight free radicals and help prevent degenerative diseases: thanks to their selenium and vitamin E content.

Now that you know almond properties and its benefits ... How about taking advantage of them through an exquisite cup of almond teas?

Almonds in your cup of tea

Enjoy all the almond properties in your cup of tea. Really, how? With this delicious selection of almond teas, a real treat for your tastebuds:

Sweet turrón: Its sweet flavour is reminiscent of traditional soft almond turrón (nougat) , perfect for enjoying a festive and cosy winter with this warm and diuretic theine-free drink.

RED CHRISTMAS TEA: A warm and intense flavour thanks to the almond, orange, apple, cinnamon, clove and elder petals. It helps to purify by eliminating toxins and fats and is a great ally for the digestive process. 

BLACK CHRISTMAS TEA: This helps to clear the mind and relax the muscles. The delicious marzipan flavour is enhanced by drinking these two varieties with milk. Learn how to make the perfect milk tea.

Rooibos Christmas Tea: Invigorating properties if you drink it during the day and relaxing if taken before going to sleep. Thanks to its ingredients, such as almonds, it will warm up your body while taking advantage of the almond's properties.

On cold days, you can't miss these warm almond teas, a delicious option to enjoy almond’s properties and all its benefits.

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