guarana health benefits

It has been used for therapeutic purposes since pre-Colombian times. 

Its seeds have very interesting health benefits and are especially revitalizing and stimulating, which makes guarana an excellent option to fight physical exhaustion and mental fatigue, improve concentration and help with weight loss. 

Keep reading if you want to know it all about the properties of guarana!

The health benefits of guarana

What is guarana?

Guarana (Paullinia Cupana) is a climbing plant in the family Sapindaceae. 

It grows in Bolivia, Paraguay, Peru, Argentina, Brasil, Colombia and Venezuela. 

Its fruits, orange or red in colour, are very surprising: when they are ripe, they open up and show a white pulp and black seed, and look like human eyes. 

In the language of the Tupi-Guarani, the Amerindian people who discovered the plant, the word guarana derives from the word "wara'ná" which means "fruit like people's eyes." 

In herbal medicine as well as in the food industry, the fruit is used in the form of guarana seed powder. 

High in vitamins and especially in caffeine, guarana is used in syrups, energy bars, carbonated drinks and energy drinks, whereas in herbal medicine, its revitalizing and anti-fatigue effect is especially sought after. 

At Tea Shop we have mixed guarana with cocoa and maca, a root with recognized stimulating and revitalizing properties, into a delicious organic blend that will allow you to make nutritious and healthy smoothies and milkshakes. 

Try our Organic Guarana Maca Latte and achieve everything you set your mind to!

guarana benefits

If you prefer to enjoy guarana benefits in a tea, then our Beauty Guarana Green Tea is a perfect choice – a mix of green tea with guarana seeds and dragon fruit, antioxidant, thirst-quenching and energizing. Simply delicious!

What is guarana good for? Very high in vitamins (A, E, B1, B3, PP), essential fatty acids, minerals, and esp especially guaranine, a substance similar to caffeine, guarana is a great energy booster that will help you regain vitality. 

Did you know that guarana seeds contain 2 to 3 times the amount of caffeine found in coffee beans?

- Guarana is very effective at fighting both physical exhaustion and mental fatigue. 

It stimulates brain function, improves concentration and memory while helping reduce asthenia. 

It is an excellent option for episodes of temporary fatigue, or to face intense mental or physical activity.

- It is particularly suitable for athletes as it provides them with extra energy, strength and vitality useful before intense training, while reducing the feeling of tiredness and enhancing blood flow.

- Due to its high content of caffeine, guarana accelerates the burning of fat and increases the basal metabolism of cells, which promotes the elimination of fat stored by the body and contributes to weight loss.

It is also particularly interesting in diets for weight loss, due to its diuretic properties and its satiating effect. 

What’s more, its energizing properties help fight the tiredness experienced in certain diet plans.

- its high content of caffeine also helps effectively fight migraines and low blood pressure (hypotension).

- Guarana is also used as a cardiac tonic for its beneficial action on the heart and circulatory system.

Possible side effects and contraindications 

As all medicinal plants may cause herb-drug interactions, guarana may interact with drugs and reduce or enhance their effects, or affect specific health conditions or chronic diseases. 

Due to its high content of guaranine, the consumption of guarana is not recommended in association with other sources of caffeine. 

Guarana should not be taken in case of cardiovascular diseases, gastric ulcers, hypertension, and in case of anxiety or insomnia. 

Guarana is not recommended during pregnancy or breastfeeding, and should not be consumed by children without medical advice. 

When in doubt, consult with your doctor or a health professional.

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