Macerate your meals: in 3 easy steps, delicious and beneficial!

Why not give your dishes a very special and delicious touch? Today, from the Tea Shop, we will teach you a super healthy and tasty way to flavour your food.

Do you know the secret of this irresistible marinade recipe? Asian Wellness, green tea with tropical fruits, spirulina and aloe vera with a fresh and juicy taste. Its incredible antioxidant properties make it a very beneficial tea, and even more so to marinate our dishes in a super delicious and healthy way!

Prepare your marinade packed with vitamins, proteins, minerals and antioxidants. We show you how!


Ingredients for marinating:

• 300 ml of water

• 4 g of Asian Wellness

• 50 ml of rice vinegar

• Ground black pepper

• 2 tablespoons olive oil

• 2 tablespoons soy sauce

Step by step:

1.Prepare the Asian Wellness infusion, letting it infuse for 2 minutes in water at 75º.

2. In a deep container, mix the ingredients together with the previously filtered infusion. Mix the vinegar, black pepper, olive oil and soy sauce with the exquisite Asian Wellness green tea.

3. We recommend marinating fresh tofu or vegetables for at least an hour in this preparation.

Once these steps have been followed, you just need to savour the delicious dish with its flavourful marination! What do you think? Easy and in 3 easy steps! Try the exquisite Asian Wellness and take advantage of its multiple properties to flavour your meals, and at the same time, to prepare a delicious antioxidant green tea. Enjoy your meal!

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Green Tea Asian Wellness
Superfood blend of green tea, tropical fruits, spirulina and aloe vera with a fresh and juicy taste.

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