Infusions during pregnancy

Infusions and teas are a common beverage in our daily lives, but the fact of being pregnant should not deprive us of this pleasure that we like so much. Infusions in pregnancy are not forbidden, but it is essential to know the ingredients that compose them to avoid some of them that are contraindicated.

What herbal teas can a pregnant woman drink?

One of the most common questions during this stage is what infusions can a pregnant woman drink. There are a wide variety of options, but it is always good to consult a doctor to make sure there are no contraindications.


This is one of the best infusions for pregnant women that we can choose. It provides antioxidants and vitamins in a natural way. In addition, it is a decongestant that will avoid taking medication in case of sinusitis or similar.

Mint or ginger

These infusions for pregnant women are perfect for the first trimester. Their properties prevent the onset of nausea, soothe stomach pains and help whet the appetite.

Peppermint, one of the best infusions for pregnant women

Another great option, in this case, helps to eliminate headaches naturally. This type of ailment is quite common in the first months and this natural remedy can be a great ally.

Passionflower or orange blossom flower

They are the infusions allowed in pregnancy that will help us to relax to rest better. They are especially useful during the last months, because everything is more uncomfortable. Thanks to its active ingredients, it is possible to fall asleep.

Rooibos, green tea or white tea

Consuming rooibos infusions during pregnancy helps to ingest natural antioxidants that strengthen the defenses. This variant supports the immune system in a natural way. Another great option, since they also have antioxidants that favor pregnancy.

Prohibited infusions during pregnancy

The plants and leaves used for infusions have properties that may be contraindicated during pregnancy. It is essential to monitor the different components and if in doubt, consult a specialist.

There are a large number of ingredients that are not recommended during pregnancy, although always with medical consent, they could be taken occasionally. Among these herbs, we find pennyroyal mint, which has a monoterpene that can lead to malformations. Other ingredients not recommended are cornflower, cardamom, clove, safflower flower, lemon verbena, fennel, raspberry leaves, lavender, lemongrass, chamomile or sage.

On the other hand, there are infusions directly forbidden in pregnancy, which should be avoided at all costs, such as those containing chicory, aloe vera, star anise and green anise, calendula, cinnamon, turmeric, juniper, ginseng, hibiscus, lapacho, lemon balm, licorice, rosemary or valerian. This is because they have abortifacient properties that should be avoided at all times. Also certain toxins that our body filters naturally, but that can be transmitted to the fetus through the placenta and be harmful. Black or red tea are also not suitable at this stage.

Benefits of drinking herbal teas during pregnancy

During pregnancy, it is essential to stay properly hydrated so drinking water is important. Consuming teas or infusions can be a natural substitute to increase this highly recommended consumption.

The most important thing to benefit from their properties is to keep an eye on their ingredients and consume them in moderation.

Here are some tips to take into account to get the most out of them:

- 4 or 5 infusions a week is the limit, in addition, they should not be taken more than two a day.

- Avoid caffeine, since it is a natural stimulant that is not recommended, and opt for decaffeinated options.

- You should vary between infusions to absorb different properties.

To enjoy herbal teas during pregnancy, we must be clear about which ones we can purchase and know the exact ingredients that compose them. To consult and ask any questions is always the best option. In Tea Shop you can see at all times, what ingredients make up each of our infusions and we will be happy to advise you.

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