All about Moroccan Tea

Tea is one of the must-try delicacies on a trip to Morocco. For For those who have tried it, Moroccan tea is one of the most delicious kinds of tea. Moreover, it is part of the cultural heritage of this country and drinking it (usually in the afternoon) is a Moroccan custom. But if you can't travel to this exciting country, you can still make Moroccan tea at home.

How to make Moroccan tea

Moroccan tea and its recipe are very simple. The secret is in the ingredients. It should also be served in a Moroccan teapot, but we understand that this is more difficult. It is advisable to have some kind of metal teapot, as it it's the best way of preserving the aromas. Here we’ll explain how to make Moroccan tea.

Moroccan tea: ingredients for two people

This is the ingredients list for Moroccan tea which serves two:

•1 and a half tablespoons of green tea.
•3-4 tablespoons of sugar.

Normally two teapots are used. One for heating the water (which can be done in the microwave or in any saucepan) and the other, which is more attractive and of better quality. Moroccan tea cups, which are similar to decorated glasses, and a silver tray are also used.

Making Moroccon tea

How to make Moroccon tea:

1.Boil the water.
2.When it's boiling, add the sugar. Dissolve it, and add the green tea.
3.Wash the mint leaves and put them in the serving teapot.
4.Pour the contents of the first teapot into the serving teapot.
5.Place the serving teapot and the glasses or cups around it. Wait a few minutes before serving.

Moroccan tea and its properties

The benefits of Moroccan tea lie in green tea and peppermint. Moreover, the leaves are freshly picked and left to dry, so they do not undergo the oxidation experienced by other varieties. Interestingly, it was a Japanese study in 2006 that scientifically demonstrated evidence of a link between Moroccan tea and health properties.

•It contains L-theanine, a very effective substance for mental activity. It boosts concentration, memory, attention and improves learning.
•It is a powerful antioxidant: thanks to both the green tea and peppermint. It prevents the effects of premature ageing.
•It regulates cholesterol and triglyceride levels by limiting the absorption of fats in the intestine.
•It's diuretic, since both peppermint and green tea are diuretic, but above all green tea is diuretic.
•It helps with colds and allergies: Peppermint contains menthol, known for its expectorant properties, to prevent stuffy noses and coughing fits. Peppermint (and mint) is antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic.
•It improves your immune system: in this case, green tea takes action, so, together with peppermint, it is a great ally against colds.

Other types of Moroccan tea

It is very trendy to make this tea with Japanese green tea, as it's of very high quality. It's worth mentioning other types of Moroccan tea. The peppermint can also be replaced by pennyroyal, although the characteristic flavour is lost a little..

The amount of sugar may seem excessive. Moroccans like it sweet like this, but you can add less, use sweeteners instead, or even use brown sugar. You can tailor the recipe to suit your tastes!

You can also drink Moroccan tea cold: just let it cool and add ice cubes, it won't lose its benefits!

Can you find Moroccan tea in Spain?

Where can you buy Moroccan tea? Green tea leaves can be bought from Tea Shop, in different varieties. Some supermarkets and greengrocers also sell peppermint.

At Tea Shop we also have the spectacular Moorish Tea and Superior Moorish Tea already brewed and ready to infuse.

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