Everything you need to know about Authentic Earl Grey Tea

If we ask any avid tea fan to name a blend that they are familiar with, the answer will likely be Earl Grey Tea, one of Britain's best known and most distinctive tea varieties.

What is Earl Grey tea?

Earl Grey Tea is a classic blend traditionally brewed with Chinese Black Tea and Bergamot Lime Oil. It has earned its well-deserved fame due to the pungent perfume of this citrus fruit from southern Italy.

This tea is slightly bitter and features citrus notes. It’s fresh with an astringency typical of black tea.

Origins of Earl Grey tea

Earl Grey tea has a controversial history and there are several versions of events that seek to explain the exact origins of this tea. However, a common feature that runs through all of these versions points to an English earl named Grey who made this variety of tea popular during the 19th century.

Legend has it that this tea was created in honour of the Prime Minister, Charles Grey (second Earl of Grey) who had saved a Chinese boy from drowning while on a diplomatic mission.

The boy's father, an influential figure in China, was so grateful that he offered the blend as a gift to the Earl in 1803. But documents from the time have revealed that Charles Grey never actually visited China!

While that may be true, Earl Grey has become one of the most popular flavoured blends today. What can be firmly stated is that it is known that flavoured tea has been consumed in China since the Tang dynasty, more than a thousand years ago. And that this variety of tea became popular in Europe thanks to Earl Charles Grey from whom it took its name.

EARL GREY TEA. Try the authentic and delicious Earl Grey Black Teas and enjoy its flavor and aroma. Enjoy it now!

Properties of Earl Grey tea

Earl Grey tea combines the properties of black tea and bergamot.

-Bergamot features antiseptic and antidepressant properties.

-Contains caffeine and L-theanine

-It is rich in catechins

-It has fluoride that helps prevent cavities and other oral diseases.

-Provides vitamins B, C and E

Benefits of Earl Grey Tea

Earl Grey tea combines all the benefits provided by black tea with citrus fruits, making it an ideal drink to strengthen our immune system and soften the symptoms of seasonal colds.

It stimulates the immune system, which contributes to better general health against diseases.

The antidepressant properties found in bergamot help relieve anxiety.

It acts as a digestive, helping to prevent stomach pain and soothing nausea and cramps.

It provides energy, thanks to its caffeine content, but without excessively changing our state thanks to L-theanine. It is ideal for times when you need to stay focused.

Regulates blood pressure and is especially recommended for people who tend towards low blood pressure.

Antioxidants help fight free radicals and contribute to cell regeneration.

earl grey
Buy Earl Grey Tea

Tea Shop brings you 4 delicious varieties of the world’s most famous tea blend, featuring a careful selection of ingredients to satisfy tea lovers.

Buying at Tea Shop means guaranteed quality. In our hugely varied selection of teas, you can find the spectacular and authentic Earl Grey Tea in the most delicious versions. Which ones will you try first?

The most sophisticated Earl Grey Tea: Earl Grey Royal Black Tea, a blend of black teas with a citrus bergamot aroma.

The most iconic Earl Grey Tea: Earl Grey Superior Black Tea, a blend of black teas scented with bergamot lime.

The most citrusy Earl Grey Tea: Earl Grey Special Black Tea, a blend of black tea, lemon peel, bergamot and citrus aromas.

The creamiest Earl Grey Tea: Earl Grey Crème Black Tea, a blend of black tea, bergamot and sweet notes.

Looking for a caffeine-free option? Our Earl Grey Decaf Black Tea, a caffeine-free black tea featuring a citrus bergamot aroma.

How to make Earl Grey tea

Cup: Infuse 2 grams (1 measure) per 200 ml at 95º for 4 min.

Teapot: follow the same steps as with the cup, and add one more measure!

You can sweeten your tea with milk, sugar or if you prefer you can enjoy the tea on its own, savouring all its delicate flavour qualities.

Although it is usually served hot, it is also perfect for drinking cold, and is an ideal accompaniment to cakes and sweets.

Earl Grey tea contraindications

Earl Grey tea is considered a strong tea. It is a variety of black tea and has a medium caffeine content, meaning that it’s not recommended for children, pregnant women or women who are lactating.

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