The good weather is here and with it the cold infusions!

Summer arrives and we all increase our intake of beverages. To avoid gaining a few extra kilos from sodas and other unhealthy drinks, we have an excellent alternative: cold infusions and, moreover, for all tastes.

Tea Shop's cold infusions for the summer

At Tea Shop we have a wide variety of cold infusions for the summer. Among others, Fruit Explosion, a delicious combination of 15 fruits including blueberry, guava or pomegranate; Sangria Tea, a drink with an amazing resemblance to Spanish sangria, but with zero calories.

Our Magic Alkaline, a mixture with fruits, plants and roots with alkalizing power; our Fruit Cocktail, to enjoy all the flavor without resorting to typical soft drinks; Wild Peach, for lovers of peach flavor, Mediterráneo infusion, with rosemary and citrus that remind us of the authentic flavor of this part of the world or Goji Secrets, with a high antioxidant power thanks to its goji berries, among other components.

However, any herbal tea can be prepared cold. Just boil the water, turn off the heat and add the preparation. Then, let it cool and keep it in the refrigerator overnight or, if you want it instant, once infused, add ice cubes directly to it.

What other infusions can be prepared cold?

There are a large number of infusions that can be prepared to drink cold and that are really tasty. Such as ginger infusion, licorice infusion, matcha tea, vegetable infusion or chamomile tea, among others. In addition, for all those who want to enjoy an even more complete drink for a snack or dinner, they can be taken in smoothies with milk or yogurt. Simply add the drink infused in water with a little milk or yogurt to the blender until a frothy drink is obtained. If desired, it can be added directly to the milk.

And can you make infusions with cold water? How to make cold infusions? They can be infused in cold water until we see that it has taken all the color and flavor necessary to be tasted (we recommend leaving the infusion to infuse overnight so that in the morning you will have it ready).

The advantages of our cold infusions

Our cold water infusions are characterized by:

- Their excellent quality-price ratio. Our teas are characterized by their exquisite aroma and flavor product of the use of the best products for it.

- For the variety of its ingredients: plants, roots, dried fruits, teas... combined in an exquisite way for a drink rich in flavor and benefits for the organism.

- Flavors for all tastes: fruity, spicy, floral, citrus or sweet.

- Special packs that include honey, cookies, infusers or other products, ideal as gifts.

- A catalog that we are expanding to offer innovative products that do not leave indifferent the lovers of the world of tea.

Moreover, shopping at Tea Shop is very easy. All you have to do is select the products and we will ship it within 24 - 48 hours.

For those who are looking for a particular flavor, we have a simple test that helps you select the best for you. Questions such as Sweet or spicy flavor, Antioxidant or digestive, will help you choose the best option.

In Tea Shop we have the best selection of cold infusions for all tastes. To enjoy a summer with lots of flavor and 0 calories. Discover our cold infusions at the click of a mouse.

cold infusions

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