3 Tea cocktail recipes

Did you know tea is the perfect ingredient to prepare delicious cocktails?

Discover how to prepare 3 delicious non-alcoholic cocktail recipes with tea. Easy and delicious recipes with lots of flavor that will bring you all the benefits of tea.



Plus, these teas are perfect for chilling! Get ready to enjoy the most magical afternoons and evenings with these tea cocktail recipes. Let's get started!

Three cocktails with tea that will win you over!

Prepare a non-alcoholic Sangria

The perfect tea cocktail to enjoy all the flavor of sangria without alcohol.

What will you need? Sangria Tea infusion, a vitamin and detox infusion with apple, beet, raisins, orange, hibiscus and citric acid.

Start preparing this healthy cocktail!

Prepare a non-alcoholic Daiquiri

The perfect cocktail with tea to enjoy the most magical evenings.

What will you need? White Daiquiri White Tea, an exotic tea with apple, coconut, pineapple, blackberry leaves and lime oil.

Enjoy its exotic and refreshing taste!

Prepare a non-alcoholic mojito

The perfect tea cocktail for mojito lovers.

What will you need? Green Mojito Tea, a very Cuban tea with lemon peel, mint, cornflower petals, aromas.

Prepare the traditional mojito without alcohol!

Some considerations for making cocktails with infusions

To taste the best natural cocktails, it is advisable to follow these recommendations:

- For our cocktails with infusions to have a unique flavor it is best to use quality spices, especially those sold in specialized stores in bulk.

- In addition, a good idea is to let the infusions cool and then put them in the refrigerator or in the Summer Tea Jug and add ice. If you want to prepare it quickly, add ice after infusion. Ready!

- Optional: before chilling your tea cocktail, sweeten it with honey, sugar? Whatever you like!

- If we do not want our tea to taste too bitter, we should not let it steep for too long, depending on the type of tea. Then we must strain it immediately.

In Tea Shop we have a wide selection of infusions and teas to prepare all kinds of tea cocktails and soft drinks. From the most classic, such as green or black tea, to the most special, such as White Tea or Oolong Tea (Blue Tea).

In short, with these three cocktail recipes we can enjoy all the flavor of a refreshing drink, taking care of our health, and without leaving home!

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