Cleansing and healthy cucumber smoothie. A super easy recipe!

One of the best ways to make sure we stay in the best possible health is to cleanse our body from the inside-out. That’s why we bring you this cleansing smoothie recipe designed to detoxify your body on the inside and enjoy the gift of good health. On top of that, it's delicious and really easy to make!

Want to know the essential ingredient for this cleansing smoothie? Our new Magic Alkaline herbal tea. Have you heard of it? It’s a herbal tea made from alkaline-rich natural ingredients like fruits, plants and roots. By blending it with cucumber, you’ll get a healthy and purifying smoothie! If you want to discover more about this incredible herbal tea, click here.

Make this purifying smoothie with natural ingredients and you’ll feel healthier than ever before!

Cleansing and healthy smoothie

Cleansing smoothie ingredients:

- 200ml of water

- 1 measure of Magic Alkaline

- 1 cucumber

How can I make my cleansing smoothie?

1️⃣Steep Magic Alkaline in 200ml of water at 95ºC for 10 minutes

2️⃣Strain the herbal tea and leave it sitting until it reaches room temperature

3️⃣Put the chopped and peeled cucumber in the blender and add the herbal tea

4️⃣Blend and enjoy!

Did you enjoy this recipe? Look after your health with our cleansing smoothie and detoxify yourself inside and out. Dare to try it!

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