Lemon verbena, the ingredient you don't know about

Herbal teas are great allies when it comes to purify the body after the vacations. Among the digestive herbal teas, we can find ingredients such as ginger or licorice. We can also opt for the red tea with great detox properties.

It is important that we consult with our primary care physician or a nutritionist about the most recommended herbal teas in our case. Herbs also have their contraindications. For example, many are not suitable for pregnant and lactating women.

The Herba Luisa is a plant native to Chile and Argentina with medicinal properties, although it is also used ornamentally. We can enjoy these properties in herbal teas such as Herbal Spirit or Mediterráneo herbal tea .Want to discover all the benefits that lemon verbena can bring you?

Discover the lemon verbena and its properties:

There are many medicinal plants that we can incorporate into our diet and can bring us many benefits. Lemon verbena is a wild plant with a flavor that resembles lemon. Let's find out what it can bring us:

Improve digestion and intestinal discomfort

In case of suffering from heartburn, gases or other digestive problems, lemon verbena herbal tea is a great option. This plant contains components such as lemongrass and caryophyllene that help reduce flatulence. In addition, its pleasant taste and aroma make it an easy-to-take herbal tea.

lemon verbena infusion

For Insomnia

The lemon verbena contains melatonin, which helps to calm our nerves and help us to fall asleep. Taking relaxing herbal teas are a good habit to incorporate before bedtime, there are options such as Herbal Spirit which, in addition to containing lemon verbena, also contains mint and licorice, making it a fresh, sweet infusion with character.


Adding antioxidant foods to our diet is highly recommended. Lemon verbena has antioxidant properties thanks to its organic compounds, specifically in camphene. It is important to prevent aging and some diseases.

Hierba Luisa, contraindications

Like all medicinal plants, lemon verbena has many beneficial properties for our health. Even so, certain contraindications must be taken into account:


Pregnant and lactating women: it is not advisable to take lemon verbena while pregnant or breastfeeding.

Pregnant and lactating women: it is not advisable to take lemon verbena while pregnant or breastfeeding.

Kidney Diseases: Avoid taking lemon verbena in large quantities if you suffer from kidney problems as it can irritate them.

It is not recommended to take lemon verbena in large quantities if you suffer from kidney problems as it can irritate them.

As a note, direct contact of the plant with the skin may cause allergy to some people.

It may cause allergies to some people.

Where to find lemon verbena

Wort is a plant that can be used for cooking or as a herbal tea. Although you can find it in Tea Shop's Loose Herbal Teas, if you like gardening you can grow it at home. It is best to have it indoors as this medicinal plant is susceptible to cold.

It is best to have it indoors as this medicinal plant is susceptible to cold.

Simply with a pot about 30cm wide and a good substrate you can grow lemon verbena. It is advisable to place it near a window for direct sunlight and water it regularly.

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