The best Iced Tea recipes for summer

Summer and its warm weather are just around the corner, making a refreshingly cool drink particularly enticing.

The truth, however, is that when the temperature rises, we often turn to carbonated drinks with too much sugar and preservatives, which tend to be unhealthy and high in calories.

But if you’re in the mood for a summer diet full of healthy food, we’ve got the perfect drink for you: iced tea, or cold brew tea.

Check out the best iced tea recipes!!


Discover the best cold brew tea recipes to help combat the heat in a healthy way.

Don't miss our YouTube playlist ICED TEA RECIPES, where you’ll learn how to make your cold brew teas in a variety of different ways for a delicious drink that looks after your body too. Awesome!

Want to find out all about iced tea? Recommended teas, benefits, how to make the perfect brew… Head over to our blog!

How to make cold brew tea: guidelines

Want to learn how to make the perfect cold brew tea? Well, you don't need much. Follow these tips and get to it!

First and foremost, it’s important you choose quality water if you don't want your cold brew tea to taste weird. Water can ruin the best of teas.

To make your cold brew tea, all you need to do is added iced water to the tea when it's lukewarm and put it in the fridge, or simply add some ice cubes to it.

The top tip if you’re wanting to know how to make iced tea is to always choose the best quality ingredients. Good tea, aromatic spices and fresh herbs like mint.

iced teas reci

Cold brew teas are the perfect accompaniment for your favourite vegetarian recipes in summer. Always choose a cold brew tea recipe that goes well with the dish you'll be preparing.

If you’re looking for healthy drink ideas this summer, go for cold brew tea!

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